A medical and public health professional Rukmini Taylor is entreating Ghanaians to have regular check-up of their hearts to prevent diseases.
According to her, such check-ups are significant to avoid factors that trigger heart diseases.
In an interview with Nana Konadu Okontie on Plan B FM ‘Apomuden Fie’ the health professional with over 16 years’ experience in clinical and public health practice said there is the need to intensify public education on the importance of healthy lifestyles to ensure that people from all walks of life who are active now live longer with better heart conditions.
She said Ghanaians should regularly check themselves of their blood pressures and their sugar levels to prevent heart diseases.
“Heart disease occurs when plaque develops in the arteries and blood vessels that lead to the heart. This blocks important nutrients and oxygen from reaching the heart,” she said
“Plaque accumulates over time when the inner lining of an artery is damaged by high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, or elevated cholesterol,” she added
She further stated that, heart disease is dangerous, but it can be prevented in many cases. She therefore urge everyone to maintain a heart-healthy lifestyle
“Looking after your heart means taking small but meaningful actions: eating a balanced diet, undertaking regular exercise, reducing your alcohol intake, quitting smoking and all the things that make you not only healthier but also able to enjoy your life to the fullest,
“We have seen people with some high levels of various heart diseases, strokes and kidney failures all because of high blood pressures. That is one of the significant factors of heart attacks. We should move away from living bad lifestyles. People should regularly check themselves of their blood pressures, their sugars especially those who are from families with significant problems,”
‘’Chest pain from the heart muscle because it does not have adequate oxygen and blood flow, this is a common symptom of heart disease. Some people experience tightness or a squeezing sensation around their breastbone. The pain may radiate to the neck, down the shoulder and arms or upper abdomen, or into the upper back,”
“If you’re very tired or have difficulty catching your breath after minor exertion, you may have symptoms of heart disease. These symptoms typically ease with rest. Heart disease can be prevented by regular exercise, maintain a healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight, reduce stress and aslo quitting smoking. She explained
She aslo indicated that women have unique heart attack symptoms compared to that of men, which is completely different.
“Women are much more likely to have atypical heart attack symptoms, So while the classical symptoms, such as chest pains, apply to both men and women, women are much more likely to get less common symptoms such as vomiting, back pain, paleness, dizziness etc”
In conclusion, she asked the general public to find ways to be good to the heart since it has become increasingly relevant as reports of obesity, poor diet and physical inactivity in children and young people are becoming more and more common.
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